Tomita Lab., Department of Information Science,
Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University

Papers (Graphics Computer//Volume Visualization//Interactive Simulation)

This list includes papers written in English, only.
* Mujahid Alam, et al., "Parallel Cloth Simulation with Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Coarsening Using OpenMP on Fujitsu HPC2500" IPS Japan IPSJ Trans. of Advanced Computing Systems, Vol. 45, No. SIG11(ACS7), pp.321--331, Oct. 2004.
+ M. Takayama, et al., "Cell-Projection Parallel Volume Rendering with Early Ray Termination," IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP 2004), pp.613--618, Sep. 2004.
* Motohiro Hakayama, et al., "Implementaion of Cell-Projection Parallel Volume Rendering with Dynamic Load Balancing", International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications(PDPTA 2004), pp.373--379, June 2004.
* Mujahid Alam, et al., "Parallel Cloth Simulation with Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Coarsening Using OpenMP on Fujitsu HPC2500" SACSIS May 2004.
* Mujahid Alam, et al., "Simulating Realistic Force and Shape of Virtual Cloth with Adaptive Meshes and Its Parallel Implementation in OpenMP", IASTED Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks ( PDCN2004), pp. 386--391,Feb. 2004. (pdf)
* Mujahid Alam, et al., "Comparison Between Adaptive Refinement and Adaptive Coarsening for Simulating Realistic Force and Shape of Virtual Cloth", MMU Int'l Symp. on Information and Communications Technologies (M2USIC2003), Oct. 2003. (pdf)
* Shin-ichiro Mori, et. al., ReVolver/C40: A Scalable Parallel Computer for Volume Rendering -- Design and Implementation, IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, VOL.E86-D, No.10, Oct. 2003
* Shin-ichiro Mori, et. al., A Scalable Hardware Architecture for Parallel Volume Rendering Int'l Conf. on IEEE Visualization 2001 (WIP Session Presentation), Oct. 2001


* "A Parallel Computer Architecture for Volume Rendering", KUIS Technical Report #94-0004, September 1994